A bunion is a bony bump protruding from the base of the big toe that can be painful from walking and rubbing on the side of your shoe. It is a very common condition, and about 30%1 of the population has one.
Before you start blaming your bad shoes, here’s the truth: there are many reasons bunions form, and they are not your fault. Your foot mechanics can predispose you to form bunions over years and years of walking, running, hiking, playing sports, etc. High heels and tight shoes can push the big toe inwards to accentuate the bunion further.
Also, conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy can increase the risk of developing a bunion.
14 E. Arrellaga Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
(805) 284-0836
Our Hours:
Monday thru Thursday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM