A surprisingly wide variety of lumps, bumps, nodules, and protrusions can afflict our feet. If you’ve got a bump on your foot, you may be wondering what the heck it is and how it got there.
So we’ve put together an overview of the most common and interesting bumps (we’re foot doctors, so bumps on your feet are a big deal to us) together with the appropriate treatment for each.
What are calluses and how do you prevent them?

Calluses are created by friction applied to the skin of the foot, often by misfitting shoes. Calluses are also formed when the metatarsals (the long bones in the foot) become misaligned. This displacement causes uneven distribution of weight across the ball of the foot when walking.
Over-the-counter callus pads and orthotics are available to reduce the friction between your feet and your shoes. If those remedies don’t work, and your calluses are making life difficult, see a podiatrist and let a pro check your feet and take care of them for you. And if you’re in Southern California, we know some great people you can see! 🙂
What is accessory navicular syndrome?
If you have a bump on the inner side of the foot, just above the arch, you may have what is known as an accessory navicular. It’s an extra bone or sometimes a piece of cartilage. This condition is congenital. As the name suggests, it’s not part of our standard skeletal equipment.
The extra bone often remains dormant and causes no problems. But the accessory navicular is incorporated within the posterior tibial tendon, and it can sometimes interfere with the function of that tendon.
What are the symptoms of an accessory navicular?
The symptoms of accessory navicular syndrome include a visible bony protrusion on the inner side of the foot, pain or throbbing (usually after significant physical activity), and redness and swelling where the protrusion rubs against footwear.
What treatment options are available for accessory navicular syndrome?
For relief of moderate navicular symptoms, ice and anti-inflammatory drugs may be sufficient. Physical therapy, designed to strengthen and enlarge the muscles around the navicular and decrease inflammation, is often helpful, as are custom orthotic devices that accommodate the extra bone. As is usually the case, surgery remains the remedy of last resort.
What are bunions?
Bunions are one of the most common of the more serious foot conditions. A bunion is a bony protrusion that usually forms at the base of the big toe joint. It occurs when the joint between the big toe and the long metatarsal bones becomes misaligned, or additional bone structure appears. The enlarged joint can become inflamed and painful.
Bunions may also be present at the base of the fifth toe and are known as Tailor’s bunion or bunionette.
Why do some people get bunions and others don’t?
Bunions can form for several reasons and are often, though not always, hereditary (thanks, Mom)! Other causes of bunions aside from genetics are:
Structural abnormalities such as missing bones, flattened arches, or a short first metatarsal. If you have one leg longer than the other and an uneven gait, you may be prone to develop bunions.
Pregnancy can result in the development of bunions. Relaxin, the hormone that helps widen the pelvis during pregnancy, can also soften the ligaments in the foot. This can cause the bones in the feet to spread out and arches to fall.
Wearing high heels on a regular basis. Balancing and walking with high heels can tighten calf muscles and force load-bearing to the front of the foot. Gradually the arch can collapse. Many high heels have a narrow, pointed toe that reshapes the foot into an unnatural position.
How are bunions treated?
Treatment usually starts with switching to shoes with a more capacious toe-box, inserting padding, or using arch supports. Again, surgery is the last resort when conservative treatment doesn’t resolve the problem.
What are plantar fibromas and how are they treated?
A plantar fibroma is a clump of fibrous tissue that appears in the arch of the foot. Fibromas are benign, but they can cause significant pain and discomfort as they grow. Men are more often affected by plantar fibromas than are women, and the condition generally begins during or after middle age.
The precise cause of plantar fibromas is unknown, but genetics may be a factor. These bumps on the foot are more common among folks of northern European descent, and those of Asian ancestry are rarely affected. Repetitive trauma may also play a role; such recurrent injuries prevent healing of the fascia in the arch.
Small plantar fibromas without any symptoms usually don’t require any treatment. But when symptoms become problematic there are several courses of action.
- A corticosteroid shot can reduce inflammation and consequent foot pain, but it won’t halt the growth of the fibroma, so it’s a temporary solution at best
- Orthotic appliances can redistribute body weight throughout the foot and help to reduce pressure on the fibroma.
- Physical therapy will stretch and strengthen the arch, reduce inflammation, increase circulation in the foot, and promote the growth of new cells.
- For intractable cases, surgery is once again the appropriate remedy of last resort.
What’s a lipoma?
A lipoma is a benign slow-growing mass composed of fatty tissue, which commonly occurs on the bottom of the foot. Like fibromas, which they resemble, lipomas don’t need treatment if they are not causing problems. However, they can grow large enough to impinge on the surrounding nerves, tendons, and ligaments. When they cause a problem, they can be readily excised.
What is Morton’s neuroma?
A neuroma is a lump of scar tissue that has developed around a nerve. The type of neuroma that most commonly affects the feet is known as Morton’s neuroma. It usually occurs in the area just below the junction of the third and fourth toes.
How does one get Morton’s neuroma and what does it feel like?
The cause is repetitive trauma. Morton’s neuroma is incurred more often by women than by men, and the recurrent trauma which causes it is often linked to high-heeled shoes.
The symptoms include the sensation that you’re standing on a piece of gravel and burning pain in the ball of your foot that may radiate into your toes. Change up your footwear and reduce or modify activities that cramp your toes together. If this doesn’t work, it’s time to consult a podiatrist.
What are plantar warts and how are they treated?
Plantar warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus can enter your feet through cuts or areas where the skin has become thin.
Plantar warts are generally small and rough to the touch. They can be tender or painful when you walk or run.
They will usually disappear on their own, but you may need to seek medical attention if warts bleed, cause continuing disruptive pain or change color. Be sure to see your podiatrist if you have either type II diabetes or a weakened immune system.
What is bursitis in the feet and how is it treated?
Bursas (or bursae) are small fluid-filled sacs that act as shock absorbers around and between your bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The painful condition is known as bursitis generally occurs after a trauma or repetitive stress causes inflammation of the bursae. When it occurs in your feet, bursitis usually appears in or around your big toe, the side of your feet, or your heel.
The first step in treating bursitis in the feet is, logically enough, avoiding the trauma or repetitive stress that caused it in the first place. Rest, ice and elevation will help, as will anti-inflammatory agents such as ibuprofen. If the condition persists, see your podiatrist, who may administer corticosteroids, provide physical therapy, or, in extreme cases, perform surgery.
What is Haglund’s deformity?
This condition involves the growth of a bony protrusion from the back of the heel, underneath the Achilles tendon. The symptoms of Haglund’s deformity are akin to Achilles tendinosis, which can make it difficult to diagnose. Symptoms include pain, both internal and external abrasion when the bump rubs against your footwear.
What’s the treatment for Haglund’s deformity?
Nonsurgical treatment includes wearing open-back shoes, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen, and icing. If these home treatments don’t work, ultrasound treatments, orthotics, and immobilizing boots may help. Your podiatrist can perform surgical excision of the excess bone in extreme cases.
What are cysts?
A cyst is a small sac filled with fluid. Think of a tiny water balloon, linked to a tendon or embedded in the soft tissue surrounding a joint in your foot. The two types of cysts most commonly found in the foot are synovial and ganglion. Both are benign, and they can exist without causing symptoms, but cysts can grow into problems when they press on a nerve or tendon.
How are cysts on the feet treated?
Persistent or increasingly troublesome cysts, such as ganglion cysts, can be treated by aspiration. The precise location of the cyst is determined by ultrasound, the area is numbed by a local anesthetic, and the gelatinous fluid is withdrawn via syringe. Cysts do recur, and sometimes surgical removal is required for a permanent solution.
What is dyshidrotic eczema?
If small itchy bumps filled with liquid appear on the bottom of your foot, this is probably what you’ve got. The cause of dyshidrotic eczema is uncertain; the condition may be allergic and/or stress-related. Corticosteroid ointments and antihistamines are helpful, as is stress reduction.
University Foot and Ankle Institute of Los Angeles
If you are suffering from painful lumps and bumps on your feet, please don’t hesitate to make an appointment with UFAI. The doctors at University Foot and Ankle Institute are here to help. Our nationally recognized podiatrists offer the most advanced foot and ankle care together with the highest success rates in the nation. We are leaders in the field of research and treatment of all foot and ankle conditions.
For more information or to schedule a consultation, please call (877) 736-6001 or make an appointment online now.
University Foot and Ankle Institute is conveniently located throughout Southern California and the Los Angeles area. Our foot and ankle surgeons are available at locations in or near Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, West Los Angeles, Sherman Oaks, the San Fernando Valley, El Segundo, the South Bay, LAX, Calabasas, Agoura Hills, Westlake Village, Valencia, Santa Clarita, and Santa Barbara.
- Revolutionizing Extremity Imaging: UFAI’s Open MRI for the Foot and Ankle - October 21, 2023
- Youth Sports and Heel Pain: Should Kids Play with Pain? - April 4, 2023
- All About Foot Arch Pain and Foot Arch Cramps - March 15, 2021
I have a marble-sized ball that when I touch the bottom of my feet I can move it around which is up next to the ball of the feet kind morning in where the smaller toes are. It just seemed like out of nowhere I started feeling this ball. What does it sound like that is.
Simply put it seems like you need to see a doctor. Cysts can be benign, but sometimes they are not. Do not mess with them and get it checked out ASAP. Better safe than sorry, especially in this case. Early detection of problems always leads to better outcomes. I hope this helps.
I have a lump on the bottom of my left foot not on the ball of my foot but it’s down from my big toe not the arch ot at the top I guess .it does hurt what can I do
We cannot give medical advice in regard to specific situations for those who are not patients, unfortunately. But lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
I have some kind of hugely grotesque cyst/lump on the inside of left foot. It now has a hardened line going up the median of my foot. I’ve taken all MD advice but the lump is growing in size. Can you fly to Dublin, GA and fix it? Thanks ?
I wish we could because my cousin lives near there, but sadly, that will not be possible. But if you are not happy with one doctor’s advice, you need to see another until you get satisfaction and you are sure you are fine. Be well!
Hi, so I have a mostly round bump that’s right near the joint of the bones in my ankle. The bump is hard to the touch and has been there for at least a month now. But it’s not very tall and it is less than a centimeter in diameter. It also mostly matches my skin color. Since the bump hasn’t gone away, I was wondering if you had any idea of what it could possibly be. Thank you!
We cannot give medical advice in regard to specific situations for those who are not patients, unfortunately. But lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
ive got an itchy lump type area developed on my foot about an inch across and has brown patches in the centre and is very itchy when I first remove my socks. I have hard skin on the outside of my foot and its just in from there about 2/3s way up or 2 inches bellow little toe. any ideas, it drives me crazy. btw I’ve recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes should I be concerned? What with corona. difficult to get seen.
You need to be seen by a podiatrist for sure. Since podiatry offices do not deal with COVID care, they are a lot safer than many other places. Just be careful, wash your hands, wear a mask and get seen, please.
I have a hard lump on heel of my foot. Got a bit carried away with a hard skin remover file after a hot bath and it bled. Any ideas please?
Lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
I have a small lump on the inside of my foot right above my arch. All my shoes hurt my foot and the only time it doesn’t hurt is when I walk barefoot in my house. What can I do?
We are unfortunately unable to give specific medical advice to anyone who is not a patient we have seen or done an online consultation with. But if your bumps/lumps/itching do not subside, or pain begins/continues, please see a doctor. They could be something more serious as well, so please do not ignore them.
I have a lump on the outer side of my foot in the middle. It is hard. It is starting to get painful when walking.
We are unfortunately unable to give specific medical advice to anyone who is not a patient we have seen or done an online consultation with. But if your pain continues, please see a doctor as soon as you can as nobody should have to live in pain if they do not have to.
We are unfortunately unable to give specific medical advice to anyone who is not a patient we have seen or done an online consultation with. But if your bumps/lumps/itching do not subside, or pain begins/continues, please see a doctor. They could be something more serious as well, so please do not ignore them.
I have a pulsatile lump on my inner ankle just below the ankle bone. I got it from stretching about 6 months ago and it worsened with running. Now the pain is worsened and walking and biking are difficult. I’m waiting on my doctor to review my mri results but I am still wondering what it could be? Stability from boot or strap, ice and ibuprofen don’t seem to help. The lump has gotten larger and pain increased daily.
We cannot give medical advice in regard to specific situations for those who are not patients, unfortunately. But lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
I have a tiny bubble under the second smallest toe. It’s in the spot where the toe connects to the foot. It wasn’t bothering me at first but every once in a while I feel it and it’s more annoying than anything else. I just got fed up with it and cut the top layer of skin off. It was definitely a little fluid filled sax in there. I’m assuming it’s either a cyst or a wart. I’m leading towards cyst. I’m guessing if it comes back I’ll need to get the sac surgically removed.
We cannot give medical advice in regard to specific situations for those who are not patients, unfortunately. But lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
I have a hard bump with circular center on it under my foot, it bleeds if I scratch it and it is painful when I walk, I don’t know it is a ward or fibrosis.
We cannot give medical advice in regard to specific situations for those who are not patients, unfortunately. But lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
I have identical (non painful) small bumps on the outside of each foot. Their hard, and don’t move around. I have heal spurs which I K-Tape twice a week for PICKLEBALL. I’m 74, extremely active and don’t want to slow down. Anything to be worried about? I play senior softball, very active in USMC honor guard, 135 funerals in 2019. Mike
We cannot give medical advice in regard to specific situations for those who are not patients, unfortunately. But lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
My son has red raised nodules on outside of ankle, outer edge of foot. With no shoes or sock or any pressure of any sort they are always there. They have been like this for a while. Any clue on what I should be investigating?He has autoimmune issues as well and toe walks
We cannot give medical advice in regard to specific situations for those who are not patients, unfortunately. But lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
I routinely get these very very painful pea sized lumps on the bottom of my feet, just below the skin (not in the ligament). I can find nothing online that describes them. They sometimes occur after running or other physical activity, and they always go away, usually after about 1-2 weeks. Painful enough to cause a limp.
We cannot give medical advice in regard to specific situations for those who are not patients, unfortunately. But lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
I have a small bump on the underside of my foot, at the base of my big toe, sort of in the joint area. It doesn’t look like it’s filled with pus or anything, but it is sore. It happened after I was walking in flip flops. What is it and what should I do to be rid of it?
We cannot give medical advice in regard to specific situations for those who are not patients, unfortunately. But lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
I have a soft lump on the top part of both my feet its on the right side of my right foot and left side of my left foot.It doesn’t hurt or anything. Do you have any idea what it is? I just noticed it and it tripped me out.
We cannot give medical advice in regard to specific situations for those who are not patients, unfortunately. But lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
I had a callus at the ball of left foot under my second toe. Over time with extensive walking and chasing flights at airports, I started to feel a small squishy lump that moves around and hurts only when it’s at some particular positions. Got an MRI and tissue sample taken and the doctor says it’s giant cell tumour, which can be removed. I thought it’s something caused by my excessive walking with possibly ill fitting shoes and not GCT which I read doesn’t usually have a cause. What do you think?
We cannot give medical advice in regard to specific situations for those who are not patients, unfortunately. But lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
I have a small hard bump on the outside of my right foot, but close to the bottom of my foot. I noticed it several months ago after I was moving some furniture. I thought I got something stuck in my foot or got bitten by a spider, but I couldn’t find anything. It has gotten bigger. I hurts when I stand for a while and when I squeeze it.
PLEASE got see a doctor.
I injured the side of my foot when it hit concrete and it swelled the area is now a knot and looks deformed and the swelling never completely left and it’s been 8 weeks. Had an x ray (nothing broken or sprained) had MRI showed fluid should I see a podiatrist? Next steps?
Yes, absolutely!
So if I do have the Dyshidrotic Eczema it could be because of stress? Might it also be because of anxiety? Or something else maybe? It just appeared today and I did not have it before so I am really nervous about it. I would just like to know if it is able to get really bad or serious? Thank you!
PLEASE see a doctor.
After a neck surgery 8 years ago, I started getting these hard lumps in the bottom of my feet, usually in the area below my toes, that were quite painful. After a couple days they’d burst or something, and my foot would have an ugly bruise but the lump and pain would be gone. I got another one about a month ago in a different location than they usually appear, and it hasn’t gone away. It’s near the center of my arch, but along the outside of my foot. I don’t notice it much unless I’m on my feet too long or I press on it, and then it becomes painful. This one is just different from all the others so I’m not sure if it’s the same thing or not.
We cannot give medical advice in regard to specific situations for those who are not patients, unfortunately. But lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
Hi! I run Cross Country and Track & Field at school. I noticed some bumps formed on the outer side of both feet, but I don’t think much of it. They seem inflamed as they are bright pink. Do you know what this condition is called? Will it impair my ability to run? Thank you!
We cannot give medical advice in regard to specific situations for those who are not patients, unfortunately. But lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
I have a painful firm bump on the inner left heel. Size of a nickel thought it’s the very center that hurts if pressed on. Walking on it is painful. Maybe 1/2 inch off center of heel. If I walk on tip toe it relieves the pain though I’m always conscious of it. I don’t see this in any of the examples.
We cannot give medical advice in regard to specific situations for those who are not patients, unfortunately. But lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
I have these small bumps on the side of my feet that have been there ever since I can remember. I’m not sure what they are and they aren’t painful. They are most noticeable when I stand or apply pressure to my arch area and heel.
Also, I have flat feet and have always had arch pain because of it. Finding shoes is a nightmare and any activity on my feet is never comfortable. Is there anything I can do to help create arches or a shoe that I could buy to help it?
Thank you so much. Please email me if you cant post the reply here.
We cannot give medical advice in regard to specific situations for those who are not patients, unfortunately. But lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
I have a very small lump on the underneath of my left foot, it’s just appeared overnight. It is just underneath the ball of my foot on my big toe side. I’ve tried to squeeze it but nothing happens although it is quite painful to walk on.
We cannot give medical advice in regard to specific situations for those who are not patients, unfortunately. But lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
My grandson is 4 and has the hard bump under/ semi side of his foot that’s itchy. I remember getting yhem when I was younger, but that came from me playing outside with no shoes on and my mom would bleach directly on it and a few days later it’ll be gone: on the other hand, he don’t go outside unless wearing shoes and inside he wear socks and I’m trying an antifungal cream and also the bleach was its not helping. What more can I do?
We cannot give medical advice in regard to specific situations for those who are not patients, unfortunately. But lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
We are unfortunately unable to give specific medical advice to anyone who is not a patient we have seen or done an online consultation with. But if your bumps/lumps do not subside, or pain continues, please see a doctor.
On my right foot, the toe next to my little toe, has a small hard lump, about the size of a bb, and is extremely painful. Any idea what it may be or what causes these and what I can do to treat it?
Lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
I have found 2 lumps on the side of my foot – they are not sore to press
I have been doing a lot of walking recently so don’t know if this is anything to do with it.
We are unfortunately unable to give specific medical advice to anyone who is not a patient we have seen or done an online consultation with. But if your bumps/lumps soreness does not subside, or pain begins, please see a doctor. They could be something more serious as well, so please do not ignore them.
I have hard lump on outside left foot which is swelling can u help please
We are unfortunately unable to give specific medical advice to anyone who is not a patient we have seen or done an online consultation with. But if your bumps/lumps/itching do not subside, or pain begins/continues, please see a doctor. They could be something more serious as well, so please do not ignore them.
I have itchy bumps under the ball of my left foot & dk what they r or what has caused them. They dnt itch all the time, just sometimes. I’ve been using liquid spray w Tolnaftate 1% on them all bc it does help w the itching. I just want to know what they cld b or want them gone. Can u help me
We are unfortunately unable to give specific medical advice to anyone who is not a patient we have seen or done an online consultation with. But if your bumps/lumps/itching do not subside, or pain begins/continues, please see a doctor. They could be something more serious as well, so please do not ignore them.
I have a lump on the left side of my 2nd toe (left foot) which is as big as a pea and if bumped feels like I hit a nerve. Frequently, I often lose feeling in it and in the 3rd toe as well as a general numbness underneath.
Over a year ago (when it was smaller) a doctor told me it was a callus (even though the skin is not rough), sent me for an x-ray and that was it. Now it is larger, causes pain even if lightly bumped and I’m concerned it may be a symptom of another possible ailment (hopefully not). I do not expect you to give me a diagnosis unseen and unchecked but am asking for direction as to what I should convey to another doctor… I do not care to be summarily dismissed again. Many thanks.
We are unfortunately unable to give specific medical advice to anyone who is not a patient we have seen or done an online consultation with. But if your bumps/lumps do not subside, or pain begins/continues, please see a doctor. They could be something more serious as well, so please do not ignore them.
As far as finding the right doctor, one you trust, sometimes you just have to read reviews and try to find one you are comfortable with and trust. I know this can be a pain in the butt, but that is kind of the way you are going to have to proceed, IMHO.
I went to the lake today and it is now 2:40 am. I woke up with itching and on the big toes and under them kind of in the middle are a cluster of little hard bumps under my skin. I did not take my shoes off but I did put my feet in the water with my flip flops on. Why would these painful itchy under the skin bumps appear so fast? Please help.
We are unfortunately unable to give specific medical advice to anyone who is not a patient we have seen or done an online consultation with. But if your bumps/lumps/itching do not subside, or pain begins/continues, please see a doctor. They could be something more serious as well, so please do not ignore them.
I have these bumps they are tender and feels like little pebbles in them one is on the back of my heel one on the bottom of heel and one if on upper foot on the bottom in the middle of foot what could they be red
We are unfortunately unable to give specific medical advice to anyone who is not a patient we have seen or done an online consultation with. But if your bumps/lumps do not subside, or pain begins/continues, please see a doctor. They could be something more serious as well, so please do not ignore them.
Morning I have a low rise bump (doesn’t hurt just annoying) on the ball of my foot Its been there for three weeks which suddenly appeared but you can’t really see it I walk every day for about an hour can you help to diagnose this pls I have a friend who walks a lot who also has this problem
We are unfortunately unable to give specific medical advice to anyone who is not a patient we have seen or done an online consultation with. But if your bumps/lumps do not subside, or pain begins/continues, please see a doctor.
I have small ball lumps under my skin on my foot on the side near my small toe and the fatty bit under the front of my foot
We are unfortunately unable to give specific medical advice to anyone who is not a patient we have seen or done an online consultation with. But if your lumps do not subside, or pain begins/continues, please see a doctor.
So nothing is wrong with my toes it’s just in my upper toe (above the knuckle hair I don’t know how more specific to be) there’s redness it doesn’t necessarily hurt it’s just red and ugly , why may that be ? I feel like it’s because of my shoes maybe ?
We are unfortunately unable to give specific medical advice to anyone who is not a patient we have seen or done an online consultation with. But if pain begins, or you cannot stand it any longer, please see a doctor. You could be right about it being your shoes, so definately check that out.
I do not believe any of the descriptions above capture my “condition”.
I have very small, recurrent bumps on the bottoms of my feet. These are never painful. I only notice them when I, for example, put lotion on my feet. They disappear on their own and I can go months without a bump.
I’m interested to hear if you might know what this is.
Thank you,
We are unfortunately unable to give specific medical advice to anyone who is not a patient we have seen or done an online consultation with. But if your pain continues, please see a doctor as soon as you can as nobody should have to live in pain if they do not have to.
I’m 16 years old and have a lump or bump on the side of my big toe . It’s not below my big toe like a bunion though . What could it be .. also whenever I touch the lump or try to push on it or try to move my toe towards it .. it hurts ??
We are unfortunately unable to give specific medical advice to anyone who is not a patient we have seen or done an online consultation with. But if your pain continues, please see a doctor as soon as you can as nobody should have to live in pain if they do not have to.
The inside part of my right foot is slightly swollen near the middle, and if anything touches it at a specific part it brings a lot of pain. I only noticed it a few days ago.
We are unfortunately unable to give specific medical advice to anyone who is not a patient we have seen or done an online consultation with. But if your pain continues, please see a doctor as soon as you can as nobody shold have to live in pain if they do not have to.
We are unfortunately unable to give specific medical advice to anyone who is not a patient we have seen or done an online consultation with. But if your pain continues, please see a doctor.
Hi, i have had a small flat bump on the inner side of my ankle for almost a year now, and have seen 2 doctors who have said it was ringoworm, i have been putting on the cream i was given for about 7 months and it hasnt gone. it moves with my skin and doesnt hurt/itch. it also changes colour so it will go red in heat (a bath etc) and sometimes purple when cold but mostly it blends in or is grey/skin coloured . im insecure about it and idk what to do as i cant seem to get rid of it. Any ideas as to what else is could be?
Lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
I have had a lot of white ball-like bulges on the pad to the side of my heels since childhood (like the fat is bulging out), and very loose ligaments. I also had very thin skin on my hands with large veins since childhood. People have asked me what those lumps are – what causes it and what is it?
Lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.
My 2 year old daughter developed white small painful bumps on the top of her left foot randomly without trauma to the foot. Trying to figure out if it’s serious.
Lumps and bumps can be benign but they can also be serious. I know that is not the answer you want, but it is always better to be safe than sorry so please consult your doctor. That is really best.