Cysts and Fibromas

What is Synovial Sarcoma? A Rare and Dangerous Cancer
Sarcomas are cancerous tumors that grow in muscles, fat, joints, nerves, or blood vessels. Though they are rare, they can be very serious and should be treated immediately.

Expert Insights On Treatment Options For Cystic Lesions Of The Talus
As published in Podiatry Today: An osteochondral lesion is an injury or fracture to the chondral surface or underlying subchondral bone. These lesions occur in the talus and are generally secondary to single or multiple traumatic events. Traumatic events can cause multiple mechanisms of injury including shearing, fracture, avulsion and compaction. These injuries can result […]

11 Common Foot Lumps and Bumps and What To Do About Them
A surprisingly wide variety of lumps, bumps, and protrusions can afflict our feet. If you’ve got a bump on your foot, you may be wondering what the heck it is and how it got there. So we’ve put together an overview of the most common and interesting bumps together with the appropriate treatment for each.