Pediatric Foot and Ankle Care

The Power of Pediatric Flexible Flatfoot Procedures
Does pediatric flatfoot require surgery? Our expert podiatrist discusses treatment options for pediatric flatfoot.

Youth Sports and Heel Pain: Should Kids Play with Pain?
Does your young athlete complain of heel pain? Should they be playing through the pain? What you need to know about youth sports and heel pain in children.

Our Expert Guide to Your Baby’s Foot Development
Like most parts of a newborn’s body, your infant’s feet are undeveloped at her time of birth. As she grows and learns to walk, the soft, pliable tissue that structures her feet will solidify into bony tissue in a process known as ossification. Her feet will continue to grow and develop well into her late […]
Foot Injuries in Kids: What to look for
With the kickoff of another school year, kids hurry back to school in their shiny new clothes and shoes. Excited to be social again after a long summer with the family, kids are quickly hit with the reality of homework and listening and studying and exams. The bounce in their step sometimes turns into dragging […]

If the Shoe Fits, Wear it… Especially for Kids Shoes!
Many adult foot problems can be traced back to ill-fitting shoes forced onto young feet. Read what our experts say about fitting your kids’ shoes.

My Baby Has Toe Tourniquet Syndrome? What’s That?
What is toe tourniquet syndrome? How does it happen? And what can you do about it? Learn all about it here in this blog.

6 Common Foot Problems that Affect Men and Boys
Hey there, Big Fellas. Aches and pains slowing you down? We heard your questions about foot pain and if there are conditions that affect you more than women. Yes, There are Foot Conditions that are Especially Prevalent in Men and Boys! We present you six of the most common sources of foot pain that affect […]
6 Beach Bummers for Your Feet
Jimmy Buffett, the shepherd of summer vacationers, once famously blew out his flip flop, stepped on a pop top, and cut his heel. Fortunately, a frosty margarita was all it took to nurse the eternal beach bum back to full health, but those of us at University Foot and Ankle Institute would hate for a […]