Achilles Tendon

An Inside Look at Shockwave Therapy for Heel Pain, now available in Valencia, CA
State-of-the-art shockwave therapy for heel pain is now available in Valencia. UFAI offers pain free therapy for plantar fasciitis and other causes of pain.

How Carrying Extra Weight Affects Your Feet and Ankles
One pound of extra weight adds 10 pounds of additional pressure on your feet and ankles. So it’s not surprising that overweight people are at higher risk for these foot and ankle conditions.
Got Plantar Fasciitis or Achilles Tendonitis? Could PRP, Amniox Stem Cells or Cortisone Answer Your Pain Relief Prayers?
Are you having constant plantar fasciitis pain? Is that Achilles tendonitis just not going away? Do you feel like you’ve exhausted all conservative options? Does surgery appear inevitable? Here at UFAI, we have some non-surgical regenerative medicine options that could very well end your pain. And there is no need to go through the invasive […]
Common Prescriptions and OTC Medications That Affect Your Feet and Certain Foot and Ankle Conditions
Patients are prescribed medications to help treat various ailments from infections to high blood pressure to cancer. Everybody knows medications have a long list of side effects. But did you know that some of these side effects can actually affect your feet? That’s right, medications can cause foot pain and other conditions. So if you […]
Beat the 6 Most Common Walking Pains
Walking is pretty much universally considered the safest form of exercise, right? Well, yes, but it’s not completely without its risks. If your walking routine is interrupted by aches and pains, you should do what you can to address them early on. What seems like a minor pain could worsen and prevent you from exercising […]

Avoiding Foot and Ankle Overuse Injuries While Dog Walking
We often see a rise in foot and ankle injuries once summer comes. More walking dogs means more walking and more overuse injuries.

What’s Plantar Tendonitis and Why is it Still a “Medical Mystery”?
“Plantar tendonitis” is the cause of severe foot pain that is sweeping the nation. It’s debilitating millions of Americans, people are complaining about it a lot and it’s interfering with patients’ ability to even stand and walk. It’s keeping even the most athletic among us away from the activities they love most. So why aren’t […]
Your Lower Back Pain May Be Caused By How You Walk
If you are experiencing runner’s knee, shin splints, or lower back pain, you may be surprised to learn that your feet might be to blame.
Achilles Tendinitis Treatment Do’s and Don’ts
If you are suffering from Achilles tendinitis, here’s a quick reference of important dos and don’ts to improve recovery and help prevent further damage.